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username: demo
password: demopass
Quick Reference
Installation Instructions
Detailed Features Guide
Troubleshooting FAQ
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Support Notice
- Most common questions should be addressed within the pages linked here.
- Questions not answered here may be asked on the Help Forum only.
- Support will NOT be provided via ICQ nor requests on other message boards.
- eMails will be ignored unless you are having problems with help forum.
- Use the help forum. Search it and ask questions there to build a help community.
Quick Reference
draupnir_in.php code:
- .php page format - this must be the very first line: <?php include "draupnir_in.php"; ?>
- .shtml page format - must be within the <head> code: <!--#include file="draupnir_in.php" -->
draupnir_out.php code:
Please note - gallery urls must be the last item specified as shown
- No skim gallery link: draupnir_out.php?url=
- Trade link: draupnir_out.php?
- Random trade link: draupnir_out.php?trade=random
- Gallery link with skim: draupnir_out.php?pct=60&url= (valid pct range 0-100)
- Gallery link with skim and first hit(s) to gallery 100%: draupnir_out.php?pct=60&f=1&url=
- Gallery link with skim percent set in admin: draupnir_out.php?pct=admin&url=
- Gallery link with tag info set: draupnir_out.php?pct=60&tag=sponsorname&url=
- Blog / Babelog webmasters:
You may send to a specific page of a trade using one of the following formats:
- draupnir_out.php?
- draupnir_out.php?tourl=
Either of the above link formats will credit a hit out to and send the hit to the url specified.
Trade signup page:
draupnir_imagetracker.php code:
This is required only if 'Test Traffic for Bots' is set to 'Yes' in the Site Config menu.
Must be within the <body></body> code, preferably very near the top of the page:
- .php page format - <?php include "draupnir_imagetracker.php"; ?>
- .shtml page format - <!--#include file="draupnir_imagetracker.php" -->
Toplist format:
Sample toplists are included with each install for your reference.
- Create toplist template files using notepad or another plain text editor.
- Name the template files anyname.tpl anyothername.tpl and so on.
- Under the 'Site Config' menu, enter the template file names (without the .tpl) in 'Toplist template files:'
separate each template name with one space such as: anyname anyothername
- Select the toplist sorting method and minutes between toplist rebuilds and save the config.
- Upload the toplist templates to the draupnir_toplists/ directory via FTP
- Include toplists in your page using one of the following codes:
- .php page format - <?php include "draupnir_toplists/example_one.htm" ?>
- .shtml page format - <!--#include file="draupnir_toplists/example_one.htm" -->
Valid toplist variables:
Substitute trade # for XX as needed, i.e %DOMAIN1%, %DOMAIN2% etc.
- %DOMAINXX% - will display
- %HITSINXX% - will display hits in from this trade
- %HITSOUTXX% - will display hits sent to this trade
- %CLICKSXX% - will display clicks generated from this trade
- %URLXX% - will display the full trade url such as
- %NAMEXX% - will display the trade's name
- %DESCXX% - will display the trade's description
- %TRADELINKXX% - will display a complete trade link such as:
<a href="draupnir_out.php?trade="" target="_blank">Trade Name</a>