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username: demo
password: demopass
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- Fresh new social networking device to find trades, and even join trades automatically!
- "Build Mode" feature which adds trades and helps build your traffic automatically
- No need for babysitting or tweaking trades. Draupnir does that for you
- Runs on autopilot
- Blacklists which propagate automatically throughout your network
- Advanced anti-cheat protection with automatic blocking of bad traffic
- No daily minimums required for anti-cheat to function
- Very advanced, highly customizable, yet very intuitive algorithm controls
- Auto-delete inactive trades after 10 days (optional)
- Very low overhead / server load
- Total integration between paid and free versions
Some of you may know me from some message boards or from my huge network of sites. I designed and built Draupnir
for the purpose of automating as many traffic trading tasks as possible; for helping to catch more cheaters
and automatically block their traffic from reaching my trades; and to help improve traffic quality and traffic
growth as much as possible. I believe that what I have created is a quantum leap forward in traffic trading.
There is nothing else available quite like this. Since implementing it on my own network, my traffic quality
has improved and so have my sales. I hope that you give it a try and see what you have been missing.
- AmateurFlix
Install this script on your sites today, and get your friends to install it on their sites as well so that
you can link up your networks together as Trusted Networks and enjoy all the benefits that this script has
to offer!
New feature - the free version now takes no skim from tradelinks, and less than 1% skim total!
Try the Draupnir demo u/p: demo/demopass
Features list:
- Powerful custom algorithm with many advanced functions.
- No MySQL or SSH required.
- One click trade setups between sites within your network!
- Add a friend's network of sites as a "Trusted Network" and set up one click, automatically approved
trades with any sites in that network!
- Draupnir joins new trades automatically when it needs them. Draupnir's
advanced algorithm detects when new trades are needed and joins trades within your trusted networks and your own
network automatically. It detects which trades would make the best match based on niche, site format, and
other factors, and selects the best match.
- Build Mode adds three new trades automatically every day and forces a small amount of traffic to them,
while also deleting the three worst performing trades from your site every day for 10, 20, or 30 days.
- Display Network Statistics for every site in your network, with Hits In, Search Engine Hits, Trade and
Gallery Clicks, and Prod available at a glance. Monitor the critical stats for your entire network in seconds.
- Works with .php and .shtml pages.
- Streamlined stats interface.
- Detailed stats logs.
- Sort toplists by Hits, Clicks, or trade Quality.
- Powerful anti-cheat functions:
- Active Bot Denial System - detects suspicious traffic on the fly and diverts it from reaching trades.
- Maximum Proxy %
- Minimum Unique %
- Minimum / Maximum Prod Range
- Minimum Qual
- Minimum Good Language % and the ability to specify which languages should be counted toward this %
- No daily minimums required for anti-cheat to function! Draupnir keeps
a record of the last 100 hits in for small trades, and will defer to this list if there are less than 100 hits
in the last 24 hours.
Good bye and good riddance to minimum trade requirements!
- Block toplist clicks based on referrer - prevent bad traffic from
being sent to your other trades automatically. Cheating traffic will go 100% to galleries and toplist clicks
made by traffic from a cheating referrer will be sent to a specified page instead of the trade.
- Blacklists for your entire network:
- Blacklisted items on one site will propagate to your entire network.
- Blacklist a domain - existing trades with that domain will be disabled and it will be prevented from
signing up new trades in your network.
- Blacklist a Server IP - all existing trades with domains using that IP will be disabled and no new trades
using that IP may sign up again.
- Blacklist a Webmaster IP - any trades signed up using the IP will be disabled and no new trades will be
accepted from that IP.
- Blacklist Signup Words - blocks new trades from signing up via the webmaster page if any blacklisted
words are found in the site name, url, or description. You may still add trades containing these terms manually.
- Blacklist Page Content - blocks new trades from signing up via the webmaster page if any blacklisted
words are found in the page HTML. You may still add trades containing these terms manually.
- Custom toplist update schedule. Update once per minute or once per day, or anything in between.
- Send nocookie traffic to an alternate url.
- Set skim level hardcoded in URL or change it on the fly in admin.
- Customize the trade algorithm easily and intuitively.
- Control exactly when a trade should be temporarily capped based on Qual levels, and when it should be uncapped.
- Penalize trades sending lower than average prod. Intuitive control of the threshhold and penalty factor which adjusts automatically based upon site statistics.
- Reward trades sending higher than average prod. Controls similar to those mentioned above.
- Never Double Skim option - never skim two consecutive clicks to trades, to keep outbound prod higher.
- Dynamic Double Skim - works with the option above to maintain intended skim settings.
- Click Limit - send all hits to galleries 100% after a specified number of clicks to help keep your outgoing traffic productive.
- Simple Ranking Ratio generates an adjustable exponential curve for your outlist.
- Leave public trade signup forms Open, Closed, or Open but leave trades disabled by default pending review.
- Public Signup Default Ratio - set new trades to a very low return until they send enough traffic (100 hits) for the anti-cheat system to run, then automatically reset the return levels to the normal ratio.
- This script has been designed so that you may leave your forms Open with a minimal risk - imagine that!
- Require new trades send one hit to activate the trade automatically.
Deters traffic leaches and discourages blackhat SEO's trying to build backlinks.
- Auto-delete inactive trades after no hits in 10 days. Safely leave
your site running on auto-pilot for weeks or months without worrying about inactive trades cluttering up the
admin and system resources. If they send no hits in 10 days they get auto-deleted! This is optional.
- Customizable Search Engine statistics. Add additional search engine domains if you desire.
- eMail notices sent upon new trade signups and certain system functions. eMail may not work on all systems.